I have to admit that I am terrified. My only symptoms up until last weekend were exhaustion and extremely sore bbs. Then, all of a sudden, in the past week - I'm tired, but not
as tired as I was. My bb soreness has slowly been decreasing, and now is gone altogether. I feel like i have some food aversions, but I can't really tell. Idk how I am supposed to be feeling. Everyone tells me that I should feel lucky not to have any symptoms; just enjoy it while it lasts.
Yeah, thanks anyway, but I'd like at least some symptoms. I never thought I'd be wishing to throw up, but bring on the m/s. So, again, I have been googling every bad outcome out there. "Vanishing twin", "missed miscarriage", "pronounced loss of symptoms", "abnormal gestational sac."
I'm sick. Seriously, I need help. Someone stop me.
Then, I found out yesterday that I am going out of town for my first-ever work trip. Nowhere cool - Evansville, Indiana. I leave Tuesday around 4 and come back Friday night at 10 p.m. Now, you may remember that my next u/s is scheduled for this Thursday. I accepted the opportunity for the work trip thinking I could get in for my u/s earlier. I called my RE, and no go. "Sorry, we're completely booked up Monday and Tuesday." "Okay, what about Friday afternoon?" (This was when I thought I would be back by Friday afternoon.) "Well, the RE really doesn't like to do PG u/s's on Friday afternoons."
Excuse me? He "doesn't like to?" I don't like to work on Friday afternoons either, but my boss and customers aren't too receptive to that. I understand that 2 of the 3 doctors left the practice suddenly, leaving only Dr. T to do all the procedures, all the monitoring - everything. But if that is the case, he should be willing to do PG u/s's whenever he can. I paid him a lot of money. That is bullshit; I'm sorry.
Then, I called my OB, hoping that I could get in there early, since my first u/s with him is scheduled for 8/20. The nurse at the OB's office was very nice and helpful, but regretfully informed me that b/c Dr. T had not "released me to their care", they couldn't treat me at all. But she did offer me a possible solution. She told me to call the RE's office first thing Monday morning and ask him to write me a script to get a u/s at an outpatient center. I actually called immediately after I hung with her and left a message. Hopefully they agree to do that - if they are that understaffed, Dr. T should be willing to sub out some of his duties.
We'll see what happens.