Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I hate you, OHSS

Work at this point had become pretty much unbearable. I actually ended up calling in sick again today b/c the pain after sitting down for any considerable amount of time was just unbearable. I hadn't been able to button my pants for over a week. I was using the rubber-band trick with jeans, but that doesn't work so well with tab-waisted dress pants. Ugh. Keep in mind that, in addition to work, I had class from 6:30pm to 9:15pm 4 nights/week. Despite leaving early and calling off of work, I had still been attending class b/c you can only miss 3 classes. Anymore and you automatically fail. But when I got home from work on Wednesday, getting to class was pretty much an impossibility.

My friend K, who is a nurse, came over in the morning. Always brutally honest, she told me I looked like shit. Thanks, K. :) I pretty much laid in bed all day, b/c laying flat on my back was the most comfortable position. I had been taking Vicodin for pain, but it made me nauseous. So then I would take Phenergan, which was some help.

By 5:30, when it was time to get up and go to school, the pain had become pretty severe. Having an extended conversation was hard b/c of the SOB. The nausea made it almost impossible to eat. I called my mom and she didn't answer. I sent L out for some Gatorade, and then called K. I told her what was going on and she immediately headed over to my house, even though I told her not to. Thanks again, K. :) I also paged my RE, who told me to take an extra Vicodin and keep drinking the Gatorade and she would see me for my appointment in the morning.

When L came home I was writhing around on the bed, trying not to let him see that I had been crying. I didn't want him to worry, but of course he immediately freaked out. K came over and said, "We're going to the ER." I told her my RE said to wait, and she said, "Well, she isn't looking at you, I am." And so we went to the ER.

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