Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Utterly Disappointed
I was so excited about my u/s today b/c I was hoping to find out the sexes (which I did). L and I have known about this appt. for 2 weeks. Well, I got home from school at 9:30 last night to find L and his 2 friends drinking at my house. He tells me they're going to go out to a bar.
I asked him not to go b/c of the u/s (ha!) and then asked him to at least come home early - like no later than 12:30. i usually don't care, but my u/s was early as hell today and he is extremely loud when he comes in; he always wakes me up.
12:40 - Not home. Called him & he said he was in a beer pong tournament and couldn't leave. I told him he'd better forfeit if he knows what's good for him.
1:10 - L got home, ate an entire family-size bag of Doritos in my ear and proceeded to throw everything off of the couch and onto the floor b/c his friends were going to come back to our house and pass out when they left the bar at 3 am.
1:50 - 2:30 - Woke up to L gagging and then throwing up on the floor next to the bed. He said he would clean it up in the morning, i made him get up and do it immediately.
This morning, L went into the bathroom and threw up again and said he couldn't go the the u/s b/c he was too sick. I told him fine, I would call him and tell him what the sexes are. Then he decided he could go. When we got to the hospital, he threw up in the waiting room, and then while we were in the u/s room, he actually left the room to go throw up again. The time that he wasn't throwing up, he was sitting in the room with his head in his hands. I'm actually not sure if he looked up at the screen once.
Somehow he managed to ruin it, and I don't think he will ever be able to make it up to me.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Who Dey!
I love the Cincinnati Bengals. From the bottom of my heart I do. Even though they break my heart year after year, I love them. I absolutely loathe Mike Brown, but I digress.
Yesterday, my Bengals (yes, the are, in fact, my Bengals - I own them. Maybe you didn't know that) beat the Steelers. They capped off a poor first half, and a so-so game overall, with one of the best drives I've ever watched them execute (minus spiking the ball on first down with :42 seconds left on the clock). 2 4th-down conversions and a last-minute touchdown. It was wonderful to watch. And kudos, Marvin, for growing some balls and going for it with that punt fake. Sure, it didn't work out, but you tried; with your history here, that's what counts.
Sure, the Bengals played less than "great" football. Regardless, thank you, Bengals, for that final drive on Sunday. The fact that it resulted in you beating the Steelers made it even sweeter.
Week 16
Watch what you say...tiny bones forming in baby's ears mean she can now pick up your voice. A few more minuscule changes: eyebrows, lashes, and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming.
Not much happening this week. I'm still feeling tired - really tired. I also seem to get hungrier every day; the 2-lunch-per-day streak continues. As a result of my increased appetite, my belly is getting bigger. Unfortunately, I can't tell if I look PG or just fat at this point. I will post a pic in a few days and you all can decide that for yourself.
Next u/s is this Wednesday. I will be almost 17 weeks, so everything should be sufficiently formed that the tech can tell the sexes. ::fingers crossed:: However, the babies haven't been very cooperative so far (i.e. the hour-long NT scan), so I'm not holding my breath. If they don't give us "the shot", though, next chance to find out is not until the end of October, which seems like forever away.
In non-baby news, school sucks. Not much else to talk about - my life is unbelievably boring.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
15 weeks
Continuing the march toward normal proportions, baby's legs now out-measure his arms. And, finally, all four limbs have functional joints. Your fetus is squirming and wiggling like crazy down in the womb, though you probably can't feel the movements just yet.
I had another OB appointment today. Everything went fine, except that I was up 3 pounds. Yikes. But I'm still 6 pounds under my pre-IVF weight, which is good for 15 weeks I guess. Both h/bs sounded perfect; OB said my uterus is measuring more like 17 weeks, which is apparently normal for twins.
And now I think I must accept the fact that I need maternity jeans. I am having the same woman who altered my wedding dress turn a couple of my jeans into maternity ones. I guess the jean makers don't expect women over 6' to get PG. i mean, how could a sasquatch find someone to procreate with her anyway? well, this one did - and i neglected to take into account the difficulty I would have covering up my expanding body. I will have to update you on how the jean modification went once I get them back. Still not sure how I'm going to handle the dress pants situation. It's starting to look like a lot of dresses at work this winter. :(
Monday, September 14, 2009
Oktoberfest #2
This time, I got a kielbasa w/ peppers and onions, in addition to the old standby, a pretzel with cheese. I also got a funnel cake, and OMG, it was awesome. I swear on all that is holy, I will never again buy a funnel cake from anywhere but a carnival cart. They just always get it perfect, every time. My coworker C says it's b/c they never change out their grease. Well, if that's so, God bless 'em and I hope they never do change it out.
L thought he was going to go out with his friends afterward, but unfortunately I had to let him know he was mistaken, and he ended up staying home with me. The funniest part was that, on the way home, he was saying how he doesn't mind staying home but I always fall asleep so early and then he is bored all night. Well, we got home at 9:30, and he was knocked out by 10 pm. I, on the other hand, was up until midnight. :)
Reason 1,001 why I hate Kanye West
For example, from
The first winner of the night, Taylor Swift for Best Female Video, was rudely and quickly interrupted by Kanye West, who cut off her acceptance speech. He stole the microphone to announce that fellow nominee Beyonce had "one of the greatest videos of all time," in "Single Ladies." "I was standing on stage and I was really excited b/c I'd just won an award and then I was really excited b/c Kanye West was on stage," Swift recalled after the show. "And then I wasn't excited anymore after that.
Please keep in mind when reading this that Taylor Swift is a 19-year-old girl, and Kanye is a 32-year-old man. has a clip of it up on his site. He has also posted Kanye's half-assed apology to Taylor and Taylor's mother.
However, Beyonce, who I really wasn't very fond of before, now has a special place in my heart. When she won an award later in the show, she called Taylor Swift back up onto the stage and allowed her to finish her acceptance speech. Bravo - very classy.
1st baby purchase
I made L go with me, b/c he had never been in a BRU before. Let's just say he was a little surprised by how expensive everything was. I knew what car seats I wanted before I even got there. We ended up getting the Graco SnugRide 32 in Lemon Grass. Pretty expensive as far as regular infant car seats go, but it seemed like one of the most comfortable - plus it holds kids up to 32 pounds rather than just 22, so it should get us past at least the first year...hopefully. Plus, MoM, I'm sure you are aware, but BRU gives you a 10% discount on each item if you buy more than 1 of the same thing. So, in all, we saved about $60, meaning we only paid about $60 OOP.
I have to say, that it definitely makes it feel more real; everytime I walk past those strollers stacked in the corner. I'm going to be a mom of 2 in, like, 5 months. Terrifying, yet super-exciting at the same time.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Lay off me - I'm starving!
Monday, September 7, 2009
13 weeks
Your fetus is now forming teeth and vocal cords...savor this, their nonfunctional phase. Baby is approaching normal proportions, with his head now only one-third the size of his body. And intestines are in the process of moving from the umbilical cord to baby's tummy -- much more convenient.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Labor Day weekend
Today, I have to clean house and go look for carpet. L is working on finishing up painting our bedroom. Which hopefully means that the nursery won't be far behind in being done. My friend K is having people over for a grill out at her house, which I also can't wait for! I am making buffalo chicken dip, and my dip is sooo good. Of course, I'm sure everyone thinks that about the food they make. Hopefully I will be able to stay out w/o getting super-tired tonight. Let's get some cooperation, babies!
Then, tomorrow, L and I are having people over for our 2nd annual fireworks party. In Cincinnati, a local radio station puts on a huge fireworks show on the Ohio river. Our house is only 5 or 6 blocks from the river, so we have people over all day and then walk down to the fireworks. Last year we had a barbecue - the plan was for people to either bring a side or bring money. Shockingly, a lot of the people "forgot their cash" and we ended up spending a lot of money. We won't make that mistake again. We're just doing pizza this year. Is that lazy? lol. Regardless, I am really excited. Cornhole, friends, and fireworks. It's going to be a great end to a great weekend.
Finally, the one perk of working for a bank - we get all national holidays off, which includes Labor Day. I could probably get a lot done with this extra day off, however I am predicting that nothing will get done. Honestly, it will be a miracle if I get out of bed and get a shower. Sleep, sleep, sleep. I'm sure I will need to catch up after such a busy weekend.
Anyway, hope everyone has as good a holiday weekend as I plan on having. :)
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
NT scan
The nuchal translucency screening (also called the NT or nuchal fold scan) can help your healthcare practitioner assess your baby's risk of having Down syndrome (DS) and other chromosomal abnormalities as well as major congenital heart problems.
The NT test uses ultrasound to measure the clear (translucent) space in the tissue at the back of your developing baby's neck. Babies with abnormalities tend to accumulate more fluid at the back of their neck during the first trimester, causing this clear space to be larger than average.
The u/s tech looks for the clear space to be less than 3mm. For the first 25 minutes, the tech couldn't get the babies to cooperate. Apparently they have to be in a perfect position or she can't do the measurement. She said it's not uncommon for people to have to come in 2 and 3 times. (!) Sorry, lady, I don't have any more time off work. Although it was awesome to just sit there and watch them flip around. L was like, "Can you feel them moving around like that?" LOL, they are less than 3 inches long. Unfortunately, no, I can't feel them...yet.
She measured both babies - 1 was still measuring 3 days behind, but she said he looked kind of scrunched, so that number could be off. The tech also changed my EDD to 3/11/09, even though I'm sure I won't make it that long; that means I'll be 13 weeks tomorrow. Yay! So close to the 2nd tri! Both h/bs were great. 1 was 167 and the other was 171.
The tech made me empty my bladder in a last ditch attempt to get the babies to cooperate. Then she made me cough a few times. Then she poked and prodded my belly with the transducer. But at the last minute she got measurements on both of them. Baby A was 1.77 and B was 1.56, which puts both of them well under 3mm.
We are so blessed.