Saturday, September 5, 2009

Labor Day weekend

Good things all around. My boss let our whole department leave 2 hours early from work, which gave me time to get a haircut. Yay! Got it all chopped off and it feels so good. Last night L and I went to a bonfire out in the sticks for a sorority sister's birthday. I haven't seen her in forever, so it was really nice to do so; plus, she lives with one of my absolute best friends from college. I just love both of them. It was a good time, even though I didn't get to drink any beer. :)

Today, I have to clean house and go look for carpet. L is working on finishing up painting our bedroom. Which hopefully means that the nursery won't be far behind in being done. My friend K is having people over for a grill out at her house, which I also can't wait for! I am making buffalo chicken dip, and my dip is sooo good. Of course, I'm sure everyone thinks that about the food they make. Hopefully I will be able to stay out w/o getting super-tired tonight. Let's get some cooperation, babies!

Then, tomorrow, L and I are having people over for our 2nd annual fireworks party. In Cincinnati, a local radio station puts on a huge fireworks show on the Ohio river. Our house is only 5 or 6 blocks from the river, so we have people over all day and then walk down to the fireworks. Last year we had a barbecue - the plan was for people to either bring a side or bring money. Shockingly, a lot of the people "forgot their cash" and we ended up spending a lot of money. We won't make that mistake again. We're just doing pizza this year. Is that lazy? lol. Regardless, I am really excited. Cornhole, friends, and fireworks. It's going to be a great end to a great weekend.

Finally, the one perk of working for a bank - we get all national holidays off, which includes Labor Day. I could probably get a lot done with this extra day off, however I am predicting that nothing will get done. Honestly, it will be a miracle if I get out of bed and get a shower. Sleep, sleep, sleep. I'm sure I will need to catch up after such a busy weekend.

Anyway, hope everyone has as good a holiday weekend as I plan on having. :)

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