Saturday, May 30, 2009

Back to school

Okay, so tomorrow is my last free day before I start back to school. I think L and I are going to go see the movie "Up." I know, I know. It's a kid's movie. We are hoping to take our nephew, but honestly even if he can't come we are going to see it anyway. I am pretty excited, because it has gotten really good reviews so far. Plus, honestly, there aren't really any Pixar movies that I've seen that I haven't liked.

The rest of the day will be spent reading cases. I have about 10 or so to read for my class called "Crimes Against Justice." It will cover things like jury tampering, bribery, evidence tampering, etc. It actually sounds a lot more exciting than Property or Constitutional Law (which is what I had last semester). Speaking of those, still no grades posted yet. I cannot comprehend why it takes over a month to grade exams. Think good thoughts for me though - I am hoping for a big curve to save me. ::fingers crossed::

Finally, we tried out a new dog park today. It is in Fort Thomas, which is much closer to our house than the one we usually go to, and a big part of it is on a hill going down into the woods. Hill = tired pups = happy mom. They seemed to really enjoy it, so I can see us going back there again.

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