Monday, June 8, 2009

Weekend Update

I meant to update this on Sunday - obviously I never got around to it.  I did go see "The Hangover" on Friday, and it did not disappoint.  In fact, it was hi-frickin-larious.  I may even go see it a second time; this time with L.  Speaking of movies, we rented "He's Just Not That Into You" on Saturday, and it was also pretty good.  Not nearly as good as "The Hangover," but still good.

Also on Saturday, I had my first RE appointment since starting stims.  No growth at that point, which wasn't surprising.  My e2 was 107, which I thought was pretty good, but apparently my RE was not so impressed.  She raised my dosage from 150iu to 187.5iu on Saturday, and then to 225iu on Sunday.  There goes that first 900iu pen.

So today, I go in for my 2nd monitoring appointment.  I was pretty stoked because I had 2 follies at 10mm after only 5 days of stims!  Last cycle I only had 1 measurable follie after 7 days of stims.  Of course, nothing can ever be easy.  I get a phone call from my RE today that my e2 actually went down to 95.  Um, excuse me?  It went down?  After I increased my meds?  Of course, immediately, I think that this is a sign that my cycle is going to be cancelled.  And it very well may be.  But I am going to try and stay positive.  The nurse said sometimes this just happens; but I have a hard time believing that.  

Anyway, tonight my dose was 262.5, and I go back in tomorrow at 8:15 a.m. strictly for a blood draw.  Hopefully my e2 skyrockets overnight.  I don't understand how we are doing the same amount of meds this cycle and my body is reacting totally differently.  Damn body.  Can't you ever cooperate?  Can't you do anything right?


1 comment:

  1. I hope your cycle doesn't get cancelled!!! Good luck!
